
中国茉莉花革命: 如果中国也出现政府关门?

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Oct 16th 2013, 23:03, by 茉莉花义工

A policeman blocks the street in front of the giant portrait of former Chinese chairman Mao Zedong at Beijing's Tiananmen Gate November 7, 2012. Just days before the party's all-important congress opens, China's stability-obsessed rulers are taking no chances and have combed through a list all possible threats, avian or otherwise. Their list includes bus windows being screwed shut and handles for rear windows in taxis -- to stop subversive leaflets being scattered on the streets -- plus balloons and remote control model planes. The goal is to ensure an image of harmony as President Hu Jintao prepares to transfer power as party leader to anointed successor Vice President Xi Jinping at the congress, which starts on Thursday. REUTERS/Petar Kujundzic (CHINA - Tags: POLITICS)
(德国之声中文网)德国《时代在线》(Zeit Online)周一(10月15日)发表文章,题目是"太美国了?还是太不美国了?"(Zu viel oder zu wenig Amerika?)。作者开篇就提到了中国官媒的相关评论,"现在是时候,让世界开始去美国化了。至少中国新华通讯社的一篇评论是这样认为的。该社隶属国家,只复述符合统治者中共路线的那些观点。即便如此,美国政府关门在那里也依然是个话题。 "
Delegates listen to opening remarks by China's State Councilor Yang Jiechi and U.S. Deputy Secretary of State William Burns (both not pictured) at the Strategic Track Plenary Session of the U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue (S&ED) at the State Department in Washington July 11, 2013. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS)中美体制,孰优孰劣?(资料图片)
《时代在线》比较美中政治体制,而《南德意志报》(Süddeutsche Zeitung)则把目标放在了美中两个手机品牌的对比上。在成立仅仅两年之后,小米手机的销量就已经超过了iPhone。周一晚间正式面市的小米3手机更是遭遇"疯抢",86秒钟便售出10万台的成绩足以让苹果公司汗颜。 "但是,小米到底是谁?到底是什么东西?"
Journalists take photos of a new iPhone 5S during Apple Inc's announcement event in Beijing, September 11, 2013. Apple Inc's millions of Chinese fans will celebrate the near-simultaneous launch of the latest iPhone in China and the United States, but one group will have little to cheer - the smugglers. An early launch of Apple's latest smartphone in China is expected to stifle a thriving grey market worth billions of dollars a year built around smuggling from Hong Kong, where in the past the U.S. tech giant's gadgets have gone on sale months before they reach official channels in the mainland. REUTERS/Jason Lee (CHINA - Tags: MEDIA BUSINESS SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY)面对小米的挑战,iPhone做好准备了吗?(资料图片)

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