
中国茉莉花革命: 自由之家:全球网络自由度普遍下降

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Oct 5th 2013, 00:06, by 茉莉花义工

2010_handcuffskeyboard © mezzotint_fotolia #27269177  Symbolbild Symbolbild Iran Internet Zensur
(德国之声中文网)非政府组织"自由之家"(Freedom House)日前在华盛顿发布《2013网络自由》报告,通过对全球60个国家的调研发现,广泛的网络监视、对网络内容进行监督的新法律出台以及社交媒体用户越来越多地遭到逮捕,都显示全球整体的网络自由度在这一年中普遍下降。
该组织"网络自由"(Freedom on the Net)项目负责人凯利(Sanja Kelly)表示:"在许多国家,对网络内容的封锁和过滤仍然是政府最惯用的审查手段;但同时当局也开始越来越关注究竟是谁在网络上发表了什么言论,并对他们进行惩罚。……在一些国家,网民甚至会仅仅因为在脸书上发表了一篇文章或者给某些批评政府的言论点了'赞'就身陷囹圄。"
***Das Logo darf nur in Zusammenhang mit einer Berichterstattung über die Institution verwendet werden ***  Freedom House ist eine internationale Nichtregierungsorganisation (NGO) mit Hauptsitz in Washington, D.C., deren Ziel es ist, liberale Demokratien weltweit zu fördern. Bekannt ist sie vor allem durch ihre jährlich veröffentlichten Berichte Freedom in the World und Freedom of the Press.(Quelle: Wikipedia)自由之家
In this screen grab taken on 15 September 2013, Charles Xue Biqun (Xue Manzi), Chinese-American investor and Weibo celebrity who was detained last month on suspicion of soliciting prostitutes is seen during a report to police in Beijing, China. Chinese-American investor Charles Xue Biqun, a popular weibocommentator who was detained last month on suspicion of soliciting prostitutes, has offered to work with authorities in their internet crackdown to help secure his release, state media reported. Xues pledge was carried across state media on Sunday (15 September 2013) in what appeared to be the latest attempt by Beijing to justify its campaign against internet rumours and Big V or verified online celebrities who can command millions of followers. Xue - known as Xue Manzi to his 12 million followers on Sina Weibo told Beijing police that he had made mistakes with his online postings, and held himself out as an example of the need to regulate the internet, according to a Xinhua report. The report featured prominently on major news portals on the mainland on Sunday. Xue told police in a Beijing detention centre that online influence had fuelled his ego, adding that he had misled internet users on various incidents.  薛蛮子被钉上耻辱柱
今年8月底,以微博"大V"薛蛮子(Charles Xue)因嫖娼罪被逮捕作为起点,中国当局对于网络"意见领袖"的打压行动大规模展开。多名网络活动人士被逮捕、刑拘或者被警方带走"问话",连地产大亨潘石屹在接受央视采访时也突然失态,说话结巴慌张。面对这种局面,不少评论人士表示担心,一场"网络文革"正在逼近。

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