
中国茉莉花革命: 中国的网络肃清战

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Sep 26th 2013, 20:17, by 茉莉花义工

In this screen grab taken on 15 September 2013, Charles Xue Biqun (Xue Manzi), Chinese-American investor and Weibo celebrity who was detained last month on suspicion of soliciting prostitutes is seen during a report to police in Beijing, China. Chinese-American investor Charles Xue Biqun, a popular weibocommentator who was detained last month on suspicion of soliciting prostitutes, has offered to work with authorities in their internet crackdown to help secure his release, state media reported. Xues pledge was carried across state media on Sunday (15 September 2013) in what appeared to be the latest attempt by Beijing to justify its campaign against internet rumours and Big V or verified online celebrities who can command millions of followers. Xue - known as Xue Manzi to his 12 million followers on Sina Weibo told Beijing police that he had made mistakes with his online postings, and held himself out as an example of the need to regulate the internet, according to a Xinhua report. The report featured prominently on major news portals on the mainland on Sunday. Xue told police in a Beijing detention centre that online influence had fuelled his ego, adding that he had misled internet users on various incidents.
(德国之声中文网)中国的因特网上风声鹤唳。自从当局严厉整治网上批评者以来,各种讨论都更为谨小慎微。从8月底以来,已有数百名博主被抓,官方的理由是整治传播谣言,但背后的目的却是控制拥有5亿网民的中国因特网,特别是控制深受欢迎的新浪微博等微型博客。最著名的牺牲品就是富有的投资人,自由派评论家薛必群(Charles Xue)。不久前,这名网名"薛蛮子"的美籍华人戴着手铐,穿着囚服在电视摄像机前悔过认错:
Der chinesische Bauunternehmer und Immobilienkönig Pan Shiyi, Geschäftsführer des Unternehmens Redstone Industries, posiert am 9.1.2004 in Peking für den Fotografen. Der 41-jährige Millionär gilt als der innovativste Bau-Unternehmer Chinas. Sein Projekt SOHO wurde dort zum Synonym für die neuesten Wohntrends. Mittlerweile wird es als ideales Büro- und Wohnprojekt angesehen. Pan Shiyi dazu: Die Trennwände in den Wohungen meines SOHO New Town sind beweglich; sie können je nach Bedarf abmontiert oder installiert werden. Verschiedene intelligente Netzwerke sind in die Wohnungen eingebaut, damit ihre Bewohner zu Hause arbeiten und so Wohnen und Arbeiten verbinden können. Dies ist der Lebensstil der Zukunft. Es ist klar, dass SOHO insbesondere den Bedürfnissen des Internetzeitalters entgegenkommt.房地产大亨潘石屹也是一名网上批评人士
Bao Tong, right, poses for photo near a picture of Zhao Ziyang, the Chinese leader ousted for opposing the crackdown on the 1989 Tiananmen square democracy movement, at his home in Beijing, China, Friday, May 15, 2009. Bao who was then a top aide to Zhao, hopes Zhao's posthumous memoirs which are to be published just weeks before the 20th anniversary of the crackdown will provide lessons to China's future generation and top leaders. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan)鲍彤是中国政府最尖锐的批评者之一

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