
中国茉莉花革命: 中石油内外交困,在美遭官司

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Sep 8th 2013, 00:30, by 茉莉花义工

A pedestrian walks past a signage of CNPC (China National Petroleum Corporation), parent company of PetroChina, in Shanghai, China, 28 August 2013. Wang Yongchun, vice president of Chinas biggest oil company, the China National Petroleum Corporation, has been put under formal investigation for severe breaches of discipline, the government said on Monday (26 August 2013). Chinas Ministry of Supervision made the announcement in a notice posted on its official website (www.mos.gov.cn). It did not specify the alleged breaches. Neither Wang nor a company spokesman could be immediately reached for comment. CNPC is the parent of PetroChina, Chinas largest oil and gas producer. Wang also serves as the head of Chinas largest oilfield at Daqing in the northeast. Wang had been regarded as a potential candidate to replace CNPCs former chairman, Jiang Jiemin, who was appointed as chairman of the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) earlier this year. The job went to Zhou Jiping in April.
(德国之声中文网)9月5日,香港《南华早报》和"彭博社"等报道,美国一律师事务所Pomerantz Grossman Hufford Dahlstrom & Gross日前对外发布,代表去年4月26日至8月27期间购买中石油美国存托凭证的投资者,向美国纽约南区法院提交对中石油及部分高管的集体诉讼,诉状称:"中石油未有披露部分高管违反公司管理条例和操守准则,也未有公布中石油正在接受中国当局调查,中石油的财务报表有虚假和误导成分。"
在9月4日,一名为约翰.布鲁(Johan Broux)的比利时投资者一纸诉状将中石油告上了美国联邦法院,这名投资者在诉状中指出,受中石油高管卷入腐败案的负面影响,中石油于纽交所托管的股票于8月28日下跌超过3.5%,与此同时,这位投资者还将中石油董长周吉平、财务总监于毅波,以及原董事长蒋洁敏和前财务总监周明春均列为了被告,并要求获得损失赔偿,但其未透露具体金额。
Vice Chairman and President of PetroChina Company Limited Jiang Jiemin attends a news conference in Hong Kong in this March 19, 2007 file photo. China is investigating Jiang, head of the national assets regulator, for serious discipline violation, state news agency Xinhua reported on September 1, 2013, in what would appear to be another step in Beijing's widening anti-graft campaign. To match Story CHINA-POLITICS/ REUTERS/Paul Yeung /Files (CHINA - Tags: BUSINESS HEADSHOT ENERGY)9月1日,国资委主任、中石油前董事长蒋洁敏被证实正在接受调查
从8月26日起至9月1日,中石油相继有5名高管落马,其中包括前中石油董事长、国资委主任蒋洁敏。9月2日,《南华早报》表示提拔蒋洁敏的前中央政法委书记周永康也在被中国当局调查中。周永康盘踞石油系统30余年 ,外界疑中石油震荡和周永康有关。《南华早报》9月2日报道中也披露,去年3月另一涉中共高层官员的"法拉利撞车事件"后,蒋洁敏被指从中石油账户中向车祸事件受伤的两名女子家人转账数千万资金。2012年3月18日,在北京北四环路上一辆超速的黑色法拉利发生严重车祸,一20多岁的男子当场死亡,另外两名女子重伤。后港媒《亚洲周刊》、《南华早报》等都曝光当事人为被称为胡锦涛政治盟友、时任中央办公厅主任的令计划之子令谷。
--FILE--People visit the stand of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), parent company of PetroChina, during an exhibition in Chongqing, China, 16 May 2013. Wang Yongchun, vice president of Chinas biggest oil company, the China National Petroleum Corporation, has been put under formal investigation for severe breaches of discipline, the government said on Monday (26 August 2013). Chinas Ministry of Supervision made the announcement in a notice posted on its official website (www.mos.gov.cn). It did not specify the alleged breaches. Neither Wang nor a company spokesman could be immediately reached for comment. CNPC is the parent of PetroChina, Chinas largest oil and gas producer. Wang also serves as the head of Chinas largest oilfield at Daqing in the northeast. Wang had been regarded as a potential candidate to replace CNPCs former chairman, Jiang Jiemin, who was appointed as chairman of the State-Owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC) earlier this year. The job went to Zhou Jiping in April. 中石油集团背后,涉多少贪腐丑闻?
代表投资者起诉的美国律师事务所在上海的合伙人劳莱斯(Daniel Roules) 表示:"虽然集团诉讼在美国很常见,但具有相当重的分量。赔偿数额依投资者的受损程度而定,集体诉讼通常会导致公司支付巨额赔偿。即使中石油胜诉,这场官司的诉讼成本也会很高";他还特别指出,如果公司行贿并以合法费用列支,即属伪造财务报表,很可能被判罚款,也会令公司声誉受到损害。

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